Mass concrete needs a thermal control plan. We’ll help you meet the requirements.
If you’re building a bridge, radiation shielding, or other mass concrete, you’ll need a thermal control plan. Temperature differences between the surface and the interior can generate wide, deep cracks. And concrete that gets too hot during curing won’t be durable. We’ll help you meet the requirements as economically as possible.
Our strategies may include mixture proportioning, pre-cooling, insulation, and/or post-cooling. We’ll avoid using cooling tubes if possible.
What makes a Beton thermal control plan stand out is that we tailor our service to your requirements. We’ll look at your project’s size, function, risk, and potential cost savings. We’ll recommend an analysis (and possibly testing) program to minimize your overall construction cost.

If we calibrate the maturity of the concrete ahead of time, we can also provide real-time data on the strength of the concrete. That way you’ll know when it’s safe to remove the forms or posttension the concrete.
We can develop concrete mixture proportions to meet all your requirements—placement, durability, strength, and sustainability.
We’ll also monitor the temperatures and strengths after placement. That way if things change, we can help you keep your project on track.